Create a responsive blog on your website
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How to create a blog on your website
Estimated time : 8 minutes
What you need: texts and images for your article
1) Go to "Articles"
- Click on "Articles".
You arrive on the page where you'll manage your articles:
- Click on "New article",
- Click on the pen to edit an existing article
2) Create an article
- Click on the type of content you want to add, or drag and drop one of the widgets on the right side of the editor
You can choose between
- text
- image
- carouse
- video
- link button
- social networks
Do it as often as you need to build you article.
- Give your article a title (otherwise you won't be able to publish)
We also recommend you to add a social network widget under your article in order to display share button: it's important if you want visitors to share your article.
3) Set up your article and publish it
- Click on publish in the upper right corner
A window opens to access the article's settings:
- Write a meta title for your article. This is very important for your SEO. You can preview how it will look like on Google on the right side of window.
- Write a meta description for your article. This is very important for your SEO. You can preview how it will look like on Google on the right side of window.
Make sure to use your keywords in the title and description, but remember that you're also writing for human beings: your text has to sound interesting so that people on the link and visit your website.
- Create categories if you want to classify your articles and create different blogs in your website. You could for instance create one blog that displays only articles with the category "SEO" and an other one that displays the category "design"
- Don't forget to add a comma at the end of the word to create a category
- Choose a publication date for your article. You can choose a date in the future if you want it to be published automatically on a certain date.
4) Leave the "Articles" section and go to "Pages"
You will now choose on which page(s) of your website you want your articles to be displayed.
- Click on Widget
- Drag and drop the blog widget in your page
The articles that you've written and published in "Articles" appear automatically where you've placed your blog widget.
5) Customize your blog
You can now choose how you want your articles to be displayed:
- content or description only?
- number of articles to display
- share button for social networds
- comment field under the article
- categories to be displayed
- If you use categories: you can choose to display only articles with a specific category.
For instance you can choose to display only articles with the category "SEO" on this page ; and create a different blog on an other page, this time with articles that have only the category "design".
- Click on "OK"
- Click on "Publish'